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Light up your Child's Life with a Signed Book!


The Gift That Keeps Giving!

What we focus on is where our energy is! 

What we focus on comes into our world!

So we definitely want our children to be nurtured,

focus on unlimited Unconditional love,


Inner Power,


The Magic in Me an Empowering Children's Book full of connection, Unlimited Love, Awareness, to ensure your child experiences, focuses and creates a deeper connection and senses that LOVE and Magic are always within them!

Call Tracey - 0401885184
Online Order for a Signed Book

14 Engaging Pages of High Vibes!

What a great book to read every night at bedtime! 

Calming Relaxing and Loving!

This is the BOOK I would have read every night as a child!

These are a few of my Favourites!

Page 2

This is not just a page with Bright and Colourful imagery! 

You can use this page as a powerful healing tool for your child.  
Tell your child that this rainbow bridge is powerful!
What you do is you walk over the bridge and by the time you reach the other side, all your worries, stress, lack, limitations are dissolved!  Very clever right and yes it can be that EASY!

Page 14

Being Unique is a vital lesson for our family!
This page opens up conversations about being different, powerfully unique which is where we allow ourselves to create new things on this planet! How exciting that this page can enhance feelings of passionate, empowering conversations around safety to express who they really are and that you support them! 

Page 30

This page gives you the opportunity to create awareness to what Science calls the Unified Field, I call source or the creators. 

Whatever you call it, it means all the same thing. An energy life force of Unlimited, Unconditional Love! Focusing on this powerful life force within us, will surely be a magical empowering experience for all families!

I Choose to add Magic to My Family! 

Part 2 - Sign up for FREE APP and Payment Details

About The Author

Tracey Steele

Mother Earth is the star of this book! and I was surprised and delighted when I felt her guidance to write this book!  

It is so special to me that we can all connect to Mother Earth, and you will be able to feel her power within you when you read this book!  

I was also guided to create the illustrations and this really created a few challenges of acceptance, of being good enough, however I followed my guidance and trusted and here we are!  
The Magic in Me is really all about THE MAGIC in YOU!

Much Love


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