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Miracle Pendulum Course

Unlock your own Magical Power!

Combine Intuition, Mind Body Soul Connections with Powerful Healings

  • The Powerful Pendulum courses, with your Intuition combined with Core's Miracle Healing Modality will connect you deeper with your Mind, Body, and Soul, advance or even allow you to become your own Powerful Pendulum Facilitator.

  • With Proven Fast Effective POWERFUL tools, create instantaneous, permanent & life long results.

  • Receive a Free Pendulum in the Beginners class, so you are ready for your own healing journey or start your business!

  • By learning to use this Powerful Pendulum Miracle Modality, you will be able to tap into your body's natural ability to heal itself. The pendulum can help you identify imbalances in your energy and provide you with insights into your physical, emotional, and spiritual health.

  • Our Pendulum Course is a unique opportunity to experience the power of natural therapies for yourself. We invite you to join us on this journey of self-discovery and healing. Sign up today and discover the benefits of the pendulum!

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  • Pendulum & Healing Modality

    Pendulums can help us identity, connect and create more awareness in our own lives.  Combined with the Miracle healing tools, this course creates a healing modality, and self development course in one!

    Healing you, your family or start your own Business! 

    This Powerful Pendulum Course gives you the opportunity to connect to your mind, body and soul, heal yourself and others and facilitator your own Pendulum classes!

    Enhanced Overall Wellbeing

    This course will empower you to gain confidence in your own abilities, and assist you to regulate your emotions by identifying imbalances in your energy. Empowering Support is always available too.

    Inner Power

    You'll learn the basics of pendulum dowsing, a powerful tool for accessing your subconscious mind and unlocking your true potential, connecting to your intuition, mind body and soul to discover your true natural gifts, while connecting with empowering people.

    Who is this Course For?

    The Core Quantum Magic Medium Course is structured in such a way that blends all different levels of expertise, from a beginner to an Experienced. Every Session is a NEW Magical Experience.

      Beginners Class 3 hours $40

      The beginner class is $40 which includes a free pendulum. This class will give you all the basic knowledge of how to connect, activate, care for your pendulum and how it works. You will also have access to 4 very powerful Core Magic Miracle Healing tools to choose from, including colour therapy, life force energy, and miracle tools! This course in addition, also includes a very easy to follow manual with Pendulum Charts.

      Advanced Course 5 hours $100

      This course will assist you in merging your new beginners class, with new intuitive mind body soul connection, healing skills, 13 Processes and Techniques to ensure you thrive! These tools range from quantum healing, relationship healings, Ascension Healing and so much more! Enhance your skills with Intuitive Skills, Healing and create valuable practice and opportunities to grow and Thrive.


      Facilitators Course 2 wks $350

      Once you have experienced the power of the Beginners and Advanced class, your passion may be awakened like our other students, they wanted to connect even more, So, the Facilitators course was born!  Core, is all about empowerment, and what perfect combination to connect passionate people in unity. This class will assist to enhance deeper innate skills, healing development tools and techniques, and turn your passion into a thriving heart felt empowering business.


    Awaken Your Intuition and Unlock the Power of the Pendulum & Experience Miracle Healing in This Transformational Course!

    Mind Body & Soul Connection

    This Course will help you Develop your connection to your mind body and soul and intuition, as well as healing skills.

    The Pendulum course is designed to find subconscious blocks, limitations, and heal these with precision accuracy. 

    This course creates more confidence in your own abilities, intuition, innate gifts and deeper awareness of your true inner power.

    The Miracle Magical Healing Tools and Techniques are very easy to use and effective.

    You will connect with like minded empowered people and reconnect with your natural healing abilities before you have even realised!


    The Powerful Pendulum Miracle Healing Course includes a range of powerful tools and resources to help you on your healing journey and with these powerful tools and resources at your fingertips, you'll be well-equipped to achieve optimal health and well-being.

    Miracle Healing Charts: Our course includes a set of specially designed charts that you can use with your pendulum to identify and address specific imbalances in the body's energy system.

    These unique resources, charts and access to the Core App make it very easy to use and highly effective.  Allowing you to achieve a deeper level of healing and transformation.

    You'll have access to a wealth of information that will help you deepen your understanding of the pendulum healing modality and how to use it effectively.

    Powerful Healing Processes

    The Powerful Pendulum Miracle Healing Course includes 4 powerful proven processes for beginners and 13 processes for the advanced class!  These processes have been tried and tested by practitioners for years, to bring balance and harmony to the mind, body, and soul. Some of these powerful processes include: colour therapy, ascension upgrades, breath work, miracle healings, abundance healings, relationship healing and so much more, while also creating deeper awareness of how easy, fast and effective it is to create overall wellbeing!

    These proven powerful techniques, along with the other practices and support included in the courses, will help you achieve a deeper level of healing and transformation. You'll have the tools you need to bring balance and harmony to your mind, body, and spirit.

    Imagine, a fun, amazing, intuitive self development modality, with proven techniques, and tools at your fingertips, to help you Thrive in every day life!

    Powerful Pendulum Facilitators

    Welcome to the Pendulum Facilitator Section!

    I'm Tracey Steele, and I am incredibly passionate about empowering individuals through the magical combination of the pendulum and Core Quantum Healing Tools.

    My course is designed to help you connect deeply with your mind, body, and soul, unlocking greater intuition, awareness, power, and wisdom.

    Over the past decade, I have been using the pendulum and other healing tools to facilitate transformative experiences. I have incorporated core foundations that are not only powerful but also highly effective for anyone looking to tap into their inner wisdom and magical healing abilities.

    Through my Pendulum courses, you will embark on a journey of self-development, equipped with a comprehensive set of tools, techniques, and self-mastery practices. This course is designed to empower you on all levels, helping you thrive and achieve holistic well-being.

    The course directs you towards many powerful healing techniques that will support your growth and transformation. It has received incredible reviews from participants who have experienced profound shifts and embraced their inner wisdom and healing abilities and I am so excited to share these with you too.

    Join me in this Pendulum Facilitator course and unlock the power within you. Connect with your intuitive self, develop your skills, and discover the magical healing potential of the pendulum. Together, we will delve into the depths of self-discovery, empowering you to create positive transformations in your life.

    Enroll now and experience the transformative journey that awaits you. Discover your true potential and embrace the incredible healing abilities that lie within you.

      Tracey Steele  

    Sign Up

    Magical Value

    • Empower yourself and Enhance all areas of your life!

    • Advanced Healing Techniques to create Soulful joy in your life

    • Proven Fast Effective Healing Modality for Self Care and your Family!

    • In Person workshops or Online

    • App access with Resources and Support

    Beginners Class only $40

    In person workshops include a pendulum RRP $12!

    Enhance your Spiritual and Healing Gifts today

    Sign Up
  • All prices are inclusive of GST

  • Quantum Magic Medium Client Reviews

    "Magical Surprises"

    The Pendulum class is filled with magical surprises that will fill your heart with wanting to learn.

    Core has perfected these magical techniques that are simple and fun to follow.

    The contents of this course is huge value and completely life changing. I totally recommend for you to jump in and enjoy allowing the magic to appear! 


    WA, Australia

    "Mind Blowing Transformation"

    I attended the Beginners and Advanced class and found that.....


    WA, Australia

    About the Founder

      Tracey Steele

    From a very dysfunctional background, I was taught to survive not thrive! So I went on a truly magical healing journey of my heart, mind and soul! and I have been exploring healing and all things spiritual for over a decade now!

    I have completed many modalities and courses, including, Reiki, Forensic Healing, Spiritual Healing, Mediumship, Energy Awareness, Tarot, Oracles, Animal Communications, Access Bars, Happy Mouth Healing, Breathwork Facilitator, Connecting to Angels, Fairies, & Guides, Hypnotherapy, Sound Healing, Meditations, Crystals, Light Language, Past Life, Inner Child Healing and so much more!


    When I started my intuitive guidance to connect to my own style of healing, I was very surprised to find Mother Mary welcoming me and Mentoring me to create my own fast effective tools and the course you are reading about today!


    She created such a beautiful warm space for me to empower myself and learn all things Magical and Quantum Connection. And, we are now excited to share them all with you!

    So WHY am I doing this course? What Drives me? My absolute Soul FULL Joy in Empowering others to Shine, Rise, Create, Connect to their Inner Truth and Power! I also LOVE Sharing, and being of Service and yes, when I feel WHOLE, I give! 

    Much Love
