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Quantum Magic Healing

Where Wellness Meets Magic!

When your healing sessions go Quantum, you are connecting with quantum possibilities
Healing sessions may include:
Dimensions, Realms, Past Lives, Child Healing, Sacred Truth
all in one Quantum Session!

  • Quantum Science confirms we have access to Quantum Life Force in every cell of our body!

  • With Proven Fast Effective POWERFUL tools, create instantaneous, permanent & life long results!

  • Empowering development techniques assist you to understand your Unique Quantum Healing Skills.

  • 10 Week Course in Total with a Certificate in Core Quantum Magic Healing.

  • Includes 10 Weeks Core Quantum Magic Healing Practitioner practices, with Weekly Empowering Live Support. 

  • Includes Self healing Techniques and practices, Core quantum healing form for clients and yourself. 

  • All accessible on the Core App. Connect with the Core FB family for plenty practice Opportunities!

  • All resources, client structure calls & forms, processes, meditations, hypnosis, techniques, tools and so much more!

  • Sign up to the Core Healing Course
  • Quantum Healing Modality for You, Your Family & Clients!

    Quantum Healing is a natural energy in us all, we just have not been taught how to tap into it. In this course we explore the quantum healing world, including: your quantum abilities, your conscious mind, subconscious mind, dimensions, universes and sacred universal laws. 

    But here's the most exciting part – The Core Quantum Healing Formula. This powerful formula has the potential to resolve physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual issues in as little as 10 minutes! You will learn this proven formula and how to apply it effectively in your healing practice.

    Natural Abilities are within us ALL 

    Within each of us, there are natural abilities waiting to be discovered and harnessed. Quantum healing and our innate gifts are part of our very essence. Just as we have physical senses, we also possess a deeper, intuitive knowing that connects us to the quantum realm. These abilities are not reserved for a select few; they are inherent in every individual. By recognizing and embracing our natural gifts, we open the door to profound healing, transformation, and the realization of our true potential. It is through the exploration and cultivation of these natural abilities that we can tap into the limitless power of quantum healing and unlock the extraordinary gifts that reside within us all.

    Quantum Tools

    Experience the incredible power of Quantum Miracle Magical Tools that have been proven to provide rapid and effective relief from various issues. Whether it's physical discomfort, emotional challenges, mental stress, soul imbalances, or disruptions in energy, these adaptable tools are your new powerful formula.

    Use them as a step-by-step process for comprehensive healing or harness their instant power to address issues on the spot during everyday events.

    With these extraordinary tools at your disposal, you can experience profound transformations and find relief in the face of any disturbance that comes your way. Creating deeper understanding to your Mind-Body and Soul each time.

    Grow & Develop

    The mind, body, and soul are intricately interconnected, forming a powerful trinity within us. At the core of this connection lies the natural language of vibration, which serves as a bridge between these aspects of our being. With the aid of Core Quantum Healing Tools, we can tap into this innate language and unlock a world of wisdom, growth, and transformation.

    Through conscious practice and application of these tools, we can harmonize the vibrations within us, . With each practice, we delve deeper into our own wisdom, experiencing growth and transformation on all levels unlocking hidden potentials, and nurturing holistic well-being.

    Quantum Magic Healing Course

    Where you Develop your Quantum Skills

    And Utilise the Power of Miracles Every Day


    At Core Quantum Healing, we believe that true transformation starts from within. We are delighted to introduce you to a groundbreaking approach to self-development that combines the wisdom of magical healing techniques with the cutting-edge principles of new quantum physics science.

    Prepare to embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment, where you can unlock your fullest potential and create the life truly authentic to you, a life you love living every day!

    Once we all recognize that we are not just a physical being but a complex energetic system, interconnected with the vast quantum field that permeates the universe. By tapping into this quantum life force energy, you can access the limitless possibilities that lie within you and create profound shifts in all areas of your life.

    This Course will help you Develop your unique skills, you probably never even knew you had! Everything in this Quantum Universe is Energy!

    You will connect with Like Minded Quantum Soul Seekers in this Course and reconnect with your Eternal Soul Friends!

    Your Client

    Unleash the Potential of Core Quantum Healing for Your Clients.

    In addition to personal growth and self-development, Core Quantum Healing offers you the opportunity to share these transformative tools with your clients.

    By incorporating Core Quantum Healing principles into your professional practice, you can enhance the effectiveness of your sessions and empower your clients on their own healing journeys.

    By incorporating Core Quantum Healing principles into your professional practice, you can enhance the impact of your work and empower your clients on their healing journeys. Embrace the transformative power of these tools, integrating mindfulness, energy healing, intuitive guidance, and quantum manifestation techniques into your sessions.

    Together, let's empower you & your clients to tap into their innate potential, experience deep healing, and create lives filled with joy, purpose, and fulfillment.

    Your Family

    At Core Quantum Healing, we understand the importance of holistic well-being for the entire family.

    Our unique approach combines magical healing techniques with cutting-edge quantum technologies to provide a transformative experience for individuals of all ages.

    Whether you're seeking physical healing, emotional balance, or spiritual growth, our quantum tools can guide you on your journey towards optimal health and harmony for you, clients and your whole family.

    At Core Quantum Healing, we provide you with powerful tools that can be utilized moment to moment, benefiting not only yourself but also your family and clients. These tools are designed to facilitate deep healing and transformation, allowing you to embody the new quantum healing vibration and experience its profound effects.

    Who is this Course For?

    The Core Quantum Magic Medium Course is structured in such a way that blends all different levels of expertise, from a beginner to an Experienced. Every Session is a NEW Magical Experience.


      If you are new to the world of energy healing, Core Quantum Healing is the perfect foundation to embark upon. This course will introduce you to the fundamental principles of quantum healing and guide you in understanding the intricate connection between mind-body-soul, energy, consciousness, and healing. You will learn practical techniques and exercises to develop your awareness, expand your intuition, and begin harnessing the quantum energy within you. By the end of the course, you will have a solid foundation in energy healing and a deeper understanding of your own innate healing gifts and sensitivities


      If you have already embarked on your energy healing journey and have a solid understanding of energy healing modalities, Core Quantum Healing will take your practice to the next level. This course delves into the realm of quantum healing, empowering you to integrate the principles of quantum mechanics into your existing skills and techniques. You will explore advanced energy healing practices, learn to work with the quantum field, and expand your intuitive abilities to facilitate profound healing and transformation for your clients. Core Quantum Healing will provide you with the tools and knowledge to elevate your healing practice and offer even greater results for those you serve.


      For practitioners who have already mastered various energy healing modalities and have an advanced understanding of the energetic realm, Core Quantum Healing will be an exciting opportunity to expand your expertise. This course will introduce you to cutting-edge quantum technologies and advanced quantum healing techniques. You will explore the quantum field at a deeper level, refine your intuitive guidance, and learn advanced methods for accessing and manipulating quantum energy for healing purposes. Core Quantum Healing will challenge and inspire you to create more magical connections in your practice, taking your skills to new heights and offering groundbreaking possibilities for healing and transformation.

    What Quantum Healing Students are Saying......

    This course is like no other. It is a hands-on journey through 10 weeks of life changing learning and discovering. In this course you will dive deep and discover. step by step clearings and teachings that will enhance you throughout your life.

    As an experienced medium and healer, I discovered deeper layers of myself and now have a full tool box to assist myself in healing and for my clients.

    I have used the tools for all areas of my life and I find the process simple, thorough, and with successful outcomes.

    Tracey has out shone herself with this course. I highly recommend this course to everyone who is ready to rise to their fullest potential. 

    Lucia Tomarchio

    Join the Core Magic Medium FB Group Here

    Raving Client Reviews

    I had a Quantum Medium session, and without even realising it, it was just what I needed!  

    My grandfather came through, he created deeper awareness to the nature around me in my childhood.  He noted, a time where my own  spiritual gifts were cut off. Which was healed, as this came up in the session. I cried, releasing the grief and pain I had been holding onto. And then, I deeply felt the release in my heart and Tracey empowered me to shift my energy using fast, effective tools.

    My foot had been sore for a few weeks, and on the morning of the session, I had a very sore stomach, (putting this down to what had eaten the night before), however as soon as the healing started, all my health symptoms disappeared! It was amazing!

    Tracey used the Tarot cards and did 2 readings with the cards. 2 of the cards came up twice which is incredible. It really gave me deeper clarity and meaning that I had been powerless in some areas of my life and I was now able to process this and take my power back. I was really now able to connect to nature, my soul superpower and value myself.

     I am now aware where I was sabotaging myself, Tracey shared many great tools and techniques to ensure my energy and vibration remain positive and I remain in my power.

    I would highly recommend the Quantum Magic Medium Session to anyone who is looking to connect to loved ones, understand their own path and heal all in one session.

     I now feel amazing and FREE!.  He 


    Scotland, UK

    I had a session with Tracey, and I wasn’t sure what to expect.
    Especially since I’ve never experienced healing merged with mediumship.

    The session was amazing.

    I got to heal a long standing grief, open myself up to love again, and it literally covered the main theme or issue in my life which to my surprise came to her from the other side. My back pain during the session was reduced to almost zero. (was a 5 at the start of the session.)

    I think Tracey has an amazing gift as a healer and as a medium, and I felt amazing after the session.
    I would really recommend it.
    She told me other stories of others’ healing and I’m not surprised.

    I have this new sense of ease and comfort now and very grateful to her, especially for reconnecting me with my dad.


    Vic, Australia

    I had a medium and healing session with Tracey and wasn’t sure what to expect.

    The positive start was when Tracey demonstrated how open she was to receive whatever messages came her way - I loved how she did not put any preconceived filters or limitations on the session.

    She was able to connect with content I had been engaged in 1000’s of miles away in a different continent and was able to link them with lifetimes from varied timelines and spaces.

    She is very receptive to shifts in our bodies like the throat tickle I was experiencing and helping it to move out of our systems.

    She channelled messages from dear ones present and past in great detail which was calming to say the least.

    Lastly Tracey always aims to empower her clients, encouraging every one of us to recognise and stand in our power. Thank you Tracey - you are such an amazing gift to us all


    Illinois, USA

    Quantum Value
    Quantum Super Saver

    • Live Support Sessions each week x 10

    • The Complete 10 week Core Quantum Magic Healing Course

    • New Quantum Proven Fast Effective Healing Modality for Self Care, Clients & your Magical Family

    • Core Quantum Healing Certification 

    • Unlimited Access to the App available on all devices 

    Total Value: $3,000

    Todays Quantum Price: $300

    That's the same cost as a Healing Session!

    Sign me up Full Payment $300
    Payment Plan $50 months x7 Months
  • All prices are inclusive of GST

  • About the Founder

      Tracey Steele

    From a very dysfunctional background, I was taught to survive not thrive! So I went on a truly magical healing journey of my heart, mind and soul! and I have been exploring healing and all things spiritual for over a decade now!

    I have completed many modalities and courses, including, Reiki, Forensic Healing, Spiritual Healing, Mediumship, Energy Awareness, Tarot, Oracles, Animal Communications, Access Bars, Happy Mouth Healing, Breathwork Facilitator, Connecting to Angels, Fairies, & Guides, Hypnotherapy, Sound Healing, Meditations, Crystals, Light Language, Past Life, Inner Child Healing and so much more!


    When I started my intuitive guidance to connect to my own style of healing, I was very surprised to find Mother Mary welcoming me and Mentoring me to create my own fast effective tools and the course you are reading about today!


    She created such a beautiful warm space for me to empower myself and learn all things Magical and Quantum Connection. And, we are now excited to share them all with you!

    So WHY am I doing this course? What Drives me? My absolute Soul FULL Joy in Empowering others to Shine, Rise, Create, Connect to their Inner Truth and Power! I also LOVE Sharing, and being of Service and yes, when I feel WHOLE, I give! 

    Much Love
