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Quantum Magic Medium

Combine Readings & Healings
in a Single Session!

What are Quantum Magic Medium Sessions?

  • Connection

  • Love

  • Truth

  • Validation

  • Healing

  • Core Magic Medium Services

    Whether you are new to energy, natural gifts, want to learn more about intuition, any of these resources and courses will be suitable for your magical journey! 

    I look forward to seeing you soon!

    1:1 Powerful 90 Minutes Sessions

    In these Powerful Magical Sessions, you will receive unique Quantum Readings and Healings, empowering tools to help you with your individual needs and energy balancing for your and your loved ones.

    Free Resources 

    Do you have Natural Gifts that you would like to explore even more?  Well this magical free resources, includes tools, tips, techniques, the Clairs Booklet and Meditations to help you discover and fall in love with the real natural skilful you! 

    Quantum Magic Medium Course

    Would you like to connect with more like minded people who are on a journey of Development? In this course we spend 20 Magical weeks learning, practicing and connecting with 10 weeks of Quantum Healing and 10 weeks of Quantum Mediumship!  


    Limited Time Only

    1:1 Quantum Magic Medium Session with Tracey

    What is a Quantum Session? 

    Being an Energy Healer and Medium for many years I began realising that when I was reading for clients I could feel the energy too and heal it as it came up!

    This powerful awareness has led me to create this course and share the magical quantum readings and healings with so many clients, their loved ones and their quantum friends.

    Mediumship gave me deeper awareness that we are all eternal souls having a human experience and we are all here exploring, creating and sharing this experience in some way for a reason! 

    Now, quantum science has confirmed that the unified field exists within us, in every cell and we have trillions of cells, I realised that somehow we had lost access to this powerful sacred magic! 

    So in this session, you are reactivated to your inner power, your SOUL's truth, connection, and so much more. 

    My purpose and passion have always been to create something new to assist humanity to know their power and Thrive! And this session creates that easily, in a loving, magical way and I am so excited to share this session with you!

    I will be facilitating these Quantum MAGIC Medium Sessions on a 1:1 basis until July. If you would like to receive a 1:1 with me I am offering these session for $197 special during this time, I will not be offering 1:1’s after July.

    I will be running the Quantum Magic Medium Practitioners course this term so I will be adding the new facilitators on the directory from March, as they will be in training you may receive some specials too!

     Very exciting!

    Contact me on 0401 885184 or [email protected]

    I hope to connect to you very soon!

    Much Love


    Meet the Magical Facilitators....

    Lucia Tomarchio, Tasmania

    Lucia Healing Arts

    FB, Website and Instagram

    I am a spiritual Healer, Artist and Medium. Combining these tools leaves my clients feeling lighter, more aware, connected with clarity

    A Note From Tracey:-
    Lucia is a truly Magical Gifted Soul, and every session is completed in Sacred Space, Unlimited Unconditional Love, creating a truly magical experience every time! I have known Lucia for many years, she is a natural healer, medium and artist and wise soul who has so so much to share! 

    I commissioned a painting from Lucia and it is absolutely stunning! Everything that she channelled and painted was incredibly spot on having true sacred meaning to me! It is a treasured piece in my home. 

    Every session with Lucia will leave you feeling expansive, valued, loved, centred, with clarity!

    Connect with Lucia on her Website

    Nicola Shearman, Western Australia

    Breath of Light

    FB, Website and Instagram

    My name is Nicola, I am a Psychic - Medium. 
    It is an absolute privilege to do a reading for you.  Receiving messages from you loved ones in spirit is so special, I feel very blessed to share this with you.  I am based in Perth, Western Australia for face to face readings or can arrange a time for a Zoom or Facetime reading.​
    Thank you

    A Note From Tracey:-
    Nicola is a truly Loving soul who shines her light in many ways! Nicola is a truly gifted medium and has a deep love and connection with crystals and now also has a crystal business too! I have known Nicola for many years and she has always shown compassion, love, empathy and her gift for Mediumship and Healing are incredible.Me and my family have had many readings with Nicola over the years and her accuracy, empowering space she creates has always left us feeling much more aligned, feeling more clarity and truth.  

    Connect with Nicola on her Website

    Quantum Magic Medium Client Reviews

    "I now feel amazing and Free!"

    I had a Quantum Medium session, and without even realising it, it was just what I needed!  

    My grandfather came through, he created deeper awareness to the nature around me in my childhood. He noted, a time where my own spiritual gifts were cut off. Which was healed, as this came up in the session. I cried, releasing the grief and pain I had been holding onto. And then, I deeply felt the release in my heart and Tracey empowered me to shift my energy using fast, effective tools.

    My foot had been sore for a few weeks, and on the morning of the session, I had a very sore stomach, (putting this down to what had eaten the night before), however as soon as the healing started, all my health symptoms disappeared! It was amazing!

    Tracey used the Tarot cards and did 2 readings with the cards. 2 of the cards came up twice which is incredible. It really gave me deeper clarity and meaning that I had been powerless in some areas of my life and I was now able to process this and take my power back. I was really now able to connect to nature, my soul superpower and value myself.

     I am now aware where I was sabotaging myself, Tracey shared many great tools and techniques to ensure my energy and vibration remain positive and I remain in my power.

    I would highly recommend the Quantum Magic Medium Session to anyone who is looking to connect to loved ones, understand their own path and heal all in one session.

     I now feel amazing and FREE!


    Scotland, UK

    "The Session was Absolutely Incredible"

    Wow what can I say & where to start. Tracey explained the session & we got straight into it. Being a Medium & Healer myself we are on this journey forever learning along the way to be able to pass our knowledge onto our clients which is what we are here for & to always give our best so clients walk away feeling connected to their loved ones & feel healed to continue on their unique journey.

    I did not know what to expect & was blown away by the journey Tracey took me on.

    The whole time I felt relaxed & didn’t want to open my eyes as felt so relaxed and at peace. I saw my past lives & that was absolutely incredible something I was not expecting. Leaving past traumas & worry’s behind even, if not from this life but from past lives that have given me questions or issues in this one. 

    The trust you feel with Tracey is beyond words; so magical. 

    That night I had amazing dreams where I was with family who have passed on. I will use the tools I have learned from this session to take with me for my clients healings. 

    Thank you so much Tracey the session was absolutely incredible & over the years I have had many different healings & this is something I have never experienced before. 

    I encourage people to give it a go as the power of the healing is amazing. 

    I have known Tracey for many years on our Mediumship journey & know how hard she has worked & spent so much time creating the best way to be able to heal her clients. 

    Thank you, Tracey, for always being there & sharing your magical gifts with me 💖💖💖💖xxxx


    WA, Australia

    "Encouraging every one of us to recognise and stand in our power."

    I had a medium and healing session with Tracey and wasn’t sure what to expect.

    The positive start was when Tracey demonstrated how open she was to receive whatever messages came her way - I loved how she did not put any preconceived filters or limitations on the session.

    She was able to connect with content I had been engaged in 1000’s of miles away in a different continent and was able to link them with lifetimes from varied timelines and spaces.

    She is very receptive to shifts in our bodies like the throat tickle I was experiencing and helping it to move out of our systems.

    She channelled messages from dear ones present and past in great detail which was calming to say the least.

    Lastly Tracey always aims to empower her clients, encouraging every one of us to recognise and stand in our power. Thank you Tracey - you are such an amazing gift to us all


    Illinois, USA


    I have had my first session with Tracey.

    I went into it with an open mind & to be honest not sure what to expect.

    Tracey really made me feel at ease straight away & took the time to explain the process to me making sure I was comfortable.

    She was able to connect with my grandparents which was AMAZING!

    She also picked up that I have a hip issue & helped move the discomfort Tracey is one of a kind.

    She is so genuine & truly wants to help others heal. Very grateful, Thank you


    WA, Australia

    "The Session was Amazing"

    I had a session with Tracey, and I wasn’t sure what to expect.
    Especially since I’ve never experienced healing merged with mediumship.

    The session was amazing.

    I got to heal a long standing grief, open myself up to love again, and it literally covered the main theme or issue in my life which to my surprise came to her from the other side.

    My back pain during the session was reduced to almost zero. (was a 5 at the start of the session.)

    I think Tracey has an amazing gift as a healer and as a medium, and I felt amazing after the session.

    I would really recommend it.
    She told me other stories of others’ healing and I’m not surprised.

    I have this new sense of ease and comfort now and very grateful to her, especially for reconnecting me with my dad.


    Vic, Australia

    "Your soul feels like its found its way home!"

    In the very first few minutes of this session Tracey identified a problem with my eyes which totally took me by surprise as in the last few days I have indeed had a problem with my eyes.

    The information that comes through is straight from your soul.

    You feel the truth of it.

    It is truly a session like no other.

    To be in the energy of this guided by Tracey is just magical and your soul feels like its found its way home!


    WA, Australia

    Become a Quantum Magic
    Medium Facilitator

    • Weekly Group Sessions x 20

    • The Complete Core Quantum Magic Medium 20 week Course available on an APP 

    • New Proven Fast Quantum Healing Modality for Self Care, Clients & Loved ones!

    • Certification & Access to Core Quantum Mediums Directory

    • Unlimited Access to the Course & App Each Term 

    • Resources, Connections, Healings, Readings, New Techniques, Empowered Community, Support, Practice, Fun, Development, Raise your own Vibration, Expand your Gifts, Understand your own Purpose and so much more!

    Sign up to the Core Quantum Medium Course
  • About the Founder

        Tracey Steele

    From a very dysfunctional background, I was taught to survive not thrive! So I went on a truly magical healing journey of my heart, mind and soul! and I have been exploring healing and all things spiritual for over a decade!

    I have completed many modalities and courses, including, Reiki, Forensic Healing, Spiritual Healing, Mediumship, Energy Awareness, Tarot, Oracles, Animal Communications, Access Bars, Happy Mouth Healing, Breathwork Facilitator, Connecting to Angels, Fairies, & Guides, Hypnotherapy, Sound Healing, Meditations, Crystals, Light Language, Past Life, Inner Child Healing and so much more!


    When I started my intuitive guidance to connect to my own style of healing, I was very surprised to find Mother Mary welcoming me and Mentoring me to create my own fast effective tools and the course you are reading about today!


    She created such a beautiful warm space for me to empower myself and learn all things Magical and Quantum Connection. And, we are now excited to share them all with you!

    So WHY am I doing this course? What Drives me? My absolute Soul FULL Joy in Empowering others to Shine, Rise, Create, Connect to their Inner Truth and Power! I also LOVE Sharing, and being of Service and what I have noticed is that the more I feel WHOLE, I jsut want to share and give! 

    Much Love
