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Quantum Magic Mediums Course

Creates More Magic!

Combine Readings & Healings
in a Single Session!

  • Quantum Science confirms we have access to Quantum Energy! So Mediums can now access this too!

  • With Proven Fast Effective POWERFUL tools, create instantaneous, permanent & life long results.

  • Developing & Enhancing your Mediumship Skills with clients, loved ones, and Your Quantum Magical Soul Team!

  • 20 Week Course in Total with 2 Certificates in Quantum Magic Healing and Quantum Magic Mediumship.

  • Includes 10 Weeks Core Quantum Healing Practitioner course with Weekly Empowering Live Support. 

  • Includes 10 Weeks Core Quantum Magic Medium Practitioner course with Weekly Empowering Live Support. 

  • All accessible on the Core App. Connect with the Core FB family for plenty of practice Opportunities!

  • All resources, videos, convenience of an app, learn at your own pace, techniques, processes, latest science, meditations, hypnosis, tools and so much more!

  • Sign Up to your Quantum Magic Now
    Join the Facebook Group
  • Combine Readings and Healings

    Enhance Your Clients Experience with Healing, Readings and create more Magic with every session!

    Healing the Soul on the Other Side 

    Yes, You can!  This is such a powerful Magical Experience to learn how to empower yourself and the loved ones we connect with.

    Quantum Tools

    Empowering ourselves to know our True Power, using Miracles & Magic Everyday!

    These Quantum Miracle Magical Tools are proven to create fast effective relief from Physical, Emotional, Mental, Soul, and any Energy disturbances. Adaptable tools to use as a process or Instantly, on the spot, in every day events!

    Core Quantum Magic Medium Directory

    Once Certified, you will be added to a directory so clients can connect with you and your business to share the Magic even more! 

    Core Unique Wellness will Support your Business and advertise your Quantum Skills!

    Quantum Magic Medium Course

    Where you Develop your Quantum Skills

    And Utilise the Power of Miracles Every Day!


    This Course will help you Develop your Magical Skills, you probably never even knew you had! Everything in this Quantum Universe is Energy! 

    Enhance your skills to be a Quantum Medium and connect with Sacred Energies to help Guide YOU.

    Understand your Eternal Soul Gifts and Enhance & Learn Miracle Magical Healing Tools.

    This course is packed with a decade of proven Tools, Techniques, Meditations, Hypnosis and Wisdom from me and my Mentors, Mother Mary and Mother Gaia!

    You will connect with Like Minded Mediums in this Course and reconnect with your Eternal Soul Friends!

    Your Client

    Clients feel even more validated, lighter, connected and understand even more about the energy world when they receive a Quantum Magic Medium Session! 

    Your Client will be raving about these sessions to everyone! 

    Clients will be able to connect with you from Core's New Quantum Magic Directory with your Business Details and Location too!

    Loved Ones & Soul Beings

    Your Client's Loved ones and Soul Beings are energy just like you. We can all experience Trauma in our life, however, now by using the Quantum Tools, all of this can be healed!

    In addition, if you reading a client's family member, you will be able to heal not just the passed loved ones energy; you are also creating healing ripples to the whole Family Linage & Ancestral DNA, all in One Session!

    We will also connect with Universal Quantum Sacred Guardians & Beings, who can create More Magic on your Unique Journey.

    Who is this Course For?

    The Core Quantum Magic Medium Course is structured in such a way that blends all different levels of expertise, from a beginner to an Experienced. Every Session is a NEW Magical Experience.


      If you are not a practicing Medium but are aware you have Psychic Mediumship Skills, these are natural gifts that can be enhanced, so this Magical Course will be fabulous for you to learn all the top science, tools, healing and readings techniques in one location!  You have unlimited lifetime access to this course, so you can join in every term! This will give you full value, more practice, connect and gain more confidence.


      This course will assist you in merging your Mediumship Skills with Healing and create valuable practice and opportunities to grow and develop your own skills, & business.


      You will be aware that every session is magical and creates new experiences especially when you set your intention to grow! You know your own power have confidence in your skills and now you have great opportunities to up skill to a new Quantum Experience with Healing in every session!

    What Quantum Mediums Students are Saying......

    This course is like no other. It is a hands-on journey through 10 weeks of life changing learning and discovering. In this course you will dive deep and discover. step by step clearings and teachings that will enhance you throughout your life.

    As an experienced medium and healer, I discovered deeper layers of myself and now have a full tool box to assist myself in healing and for my clients.

    I have used the tools for all areas of my life and I find the process simple, thorough, and with successful outcomes.

    Tracey has out shone herself with this course. I highly recommend this course to everyone who is ready to rise to their fullest potential. 

     Lucia Tomarchio 

    My Spiritual Growth during this course has skyrocketed, I have more trust in myself, spirit and the universe! 

    I understand I am the creator of my life and I am thriving in all areas of my life!

     Martina Woods 
     Western Australia 

    Quantum Magic Medium Client Reviews

    "I Now Feel Amazing"

    I had a Quantum Medium session, and without even realising it, it was just what I needed!  

    My grandfather came through, he created deeper awareness to the nature around me in my childhood. He noted, a time where my own spiritual gifts were cut off. Which was healed, as this came up in the session. I cried, releasing the grief and pain I had been holding onto. And then, I deeply felt the release in my heart and Tracey empowered me to shift my energy using fast, effective tools.

    My foot had been sore for a few weeks, and on the morning of the session, I had a very sore stomach, (putting this down to what had eaten the night before), however as soon as the healing started, all my health symptoms disappeared! It was amazing!

    Tracey used the Tarot cards and did 2 readings with the cards. 2 of the cards came up twice which is incredible. It really gave me deeper clarity and meaning that I had been powerless in some areas of my life and I was now able to process this and take my power back. I was really now able to connect to nature, my soul superpower and value myself.

     I am now aware where I was sabotaging myself, Tracey shared many great tools and techniques to ensure my energy and vibration remain positive and I remain in my power.

    I would highly recommend the Quantum Magic Medium Session to anyone who is looking to connect to loved ones, understand their own path and heal all in one session.

     I now feel amazing and FREE!.  


    Scotland, UK

    "This Session was Amazing!"

    I had a session with Tracey, and I wasn’t sure what to expect.
    Especially since I’ve never experienced healing merged with mediumship.

    The session was amazing.

    I got to heal a long standing grief, open myself up to love again, and it literally covered the main theme or issue in my life which to my surprise came to her from the other side. My back pain during the session was reduced to almost zero. (was a 5 at the start of the session.)

    I think Tracey has an amazing gift as a healer and as a medium, and I felt amazing after the session.
    I would really recommend it.
    She told me other stories of others’ healing and I’m not surprised.

    I have this new sense of ease and comfort now and very grateful to her, especially for reconnecting me with my dad.


    Vic, Australia

    "Encouraging Every One of us to Recognise and Stand Stand in our Power"

    I had a medium and healing session with Tracey and wasn’t sure what to expect.

    The positive start was when Tracey demonstrated how open she was to receive whatever messages came her way - I loved how she did not put any preconceived filters or limitations on the session.

    She was able to connect with content I had been engaged in 1000’s of miles away in a different continent and was able to link them with lifetimes from varied timelines and spaces.

    She is very receptive to shifts in our bodies like the throat tickle I was experiencing and helping it to move out of our systems.

    She channelled messages from dear ones present and past in great detail which was calming to say the least.

    Lastly Tracey always aims to empower her clients, encouraging every one of us to recognise and stand in our power. Thank you Tracey - you are such an amazing gift to us all


    Illinois, USA

    New Semester Starting 8th July!

    Click the FB Link to Learn More,

    Connect with Me Or

    Click the Links below and sign up for your Free Account Today!

    Quantum Value
    for you to Value your Gifts!

    • Support on FB & Weekly Group & Practice Sessions 

    • The Complete 20 week Core Quantum Magic Healing and Medium Practitioner Course on the Core Unique Wellness APP

    • New Quantum Proven Fast Effective Healing Modality for Self Care, Clients & Loved Ones!

    • Certification & Access to Core Quantum Mediums Directory

    • Unlimited Access to the App & Support Each Semester 

    Total Value: $7,500

    Usual Course Price $750

    Special Price: $450

    That's 20 weeks of videos, techniques, proven tools, meditations, breathwork, quantum science and so much for, the same cost of a few mediumship readings!

    Why? Because I value your gifts, I want you to share your gifts with the world, be unique, thrive, love your life and create more Magic!

    Join the FB group for More Details
    Sign Up to your Quantum Magic Now
  • Free Resources for Spiritual Development

    Enhance, develop and practice with your unique skills with this new Free Resource for Mediums. This app includes, Meditation, Breathwork, Ebook for the Clairs, Self Development Techniques and Practices, Soul Connections and much more!

    Access the Free App Today
    More Magical Infomation

    About the Founder

        Tracey Steele

    From a very dysfunctional background, I was taught to survive not thrive! So I went on a truly magical healing journey of my heart, mind and soul! and I have been exploring healing and all things spiritual for over a decade now!

    I have completed many modalities and courses, including, Reiki, Forensic Healing, Spiritual Healing, Mediumship, Energy Awareness, Tarot, Oracles, Animal Communications, Access Bars, Happy Mouth Healing, Breathwork Facilitator, Connecting to Angels, Fairies, & Guides, Hypnotherapy, Sound Healing, Meditations, Crystals, Light Language, Past Life, Inner Child Healing and so much more!


    When I started my intuitive guidance to connect to my own style of healing, I was very surprised to find Mother Mary welcoming me and Mentoring me to create my own fast effective tools and the course you are reading about today!


    She created such a beautiful warm space for me to empower myself and learn all things Magical and Quantum Connection. And, we are now excited to share them all with you!

    So WHY am I doing this course? What Drives me? My absolute Soul FULL Joy in Empowering others to Shine, Rise, Create, Connect to their Inner Truth and Power! I also LOVE Sharing, and being of Service and yes, when I feel WHOLE, I give! 

    Much Love
